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Thoughts & Inspiration

It is finally go time! Its crazy to think that I have been signed up for a year and the journey has finally started. Well I guess that statment is not true, the journey started the day I signed up. the whole process of this year, I have seen God show up in miracualous ways. I know that I would have never made it to where I am if God did not call you all to support me. I appreciate all the support and continual prayers!

Recently I have been thinking of fruitfulness. To work in God’s image is to bear fruit and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Since we are created in God’s image, we are to be fruitful. God could have created everything imaginable and filled the earth himself. But he chose to create humanity to work alongside him to actualize the universe’s potential, to participate in God’s own work. Alright stop and think about that, God CHOSE us to do such an amazing task! It is remarkable that God trusts us to carry out this amazing task of building on the good earth he has given us. Through our work God brings forth food and drink, products and services, knowledge and beauty, organizations and communities, growth and health, and praise and glory to himself.

God’s work is not only productive, but it is also a “delight to the eyes” (Gen. 3:6). This is not surprising, since people, being in the image of God, are inherently beautiful. Like any other good, beauty can become an idol, but Christians have often been too worried about the dangers of beauty and too unappreciative of beauty’s value in God’s eyes. Inherently, beauty is not a waste of resources, or a distraction from more important work. Beauty is a work in the image of God, and the kingdom of God is filled with beauty “like a very rare jewel” (Rev. 21:11). Christian communities do well at appreciating the beauty of music with words about Jesus. Perhaps we could do better at valuing all kinds of true beauty. A good question to ask ourselves is whether we are working more productively and beautifully.

God equips people to bear fruit and multiply (Genesis 2:15, 19-20).”The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it” (Gen. 2:15). These two words in Hebrew, avad (“work” or “till”) and shamar (“keep”), are also used for the worship of God and keeping his commandments, respectively. Work done according to God’s purpose has an unmistakable holiness. Adam and Eve are given two specific kinds of work in Genesis 2:15-20, gardening and giving names to the animals. Both are creative enterprises that give specific activities to people created in the image of the Creator. By growing things and developing culture, we are indeed fruitful. We bring forth the resources needed to support a growing population and to increase the productivity of creation. We need not imagine that gardening and naming animals are the only tasks suitable for human beings. Rather the human task is to extend the creative work of God in a multitude of ways limited only by God’s gifts of imagination and skill, and the limits God sets. Work is forever rooted in God’s design for human life. It is an avenue to contribute to the common good and as a means of providing for ourselves, our families, and those we can bless with our generosity.

An important aspect of God at work in creation is the vast imagination that could create everything from exotic sea life to elephants and rhinoceroses. While theologians have created varying lists of those characteristics of God that have been given to us that bear the divine image, imagination is surely a gift from God we see at work all around us in our workspaces as well as in our homes. Much of the work we do uses our imagination in some way. Mozart imagined a sonata and Beethoven imagined a symphony. Picasso imagined Guernica before picking up his brushes to work on that painting. Tesla and Edison imagined harnessing electricity, and today we have light in the darkness, electronics, and equipment. Someone somewhere imagined virtually everything surrounding us. Most of the jobs people hold exist because someone could imagine a job-creating product or process in the workplace.

Anyways, this was all cool things that I have been processing on the subject of being fruitful. I will try to keep you all posted. I cant wait to share the incredible things God does these next 9 months.

11 responses to “Its go time!”

  1. I appreciate that Kirsten! I am absolutley thankful to have you as well, and I have much to learn from you!

  2. We will be praying for you throughout this journey, Dawson! Please keep us updated.

    Gods blessings upon you!

  3. I loved reading this! You have so much wisdom and I am so excited to learn more from you!

  4. DAWSON!!! your words are so true and I’m so honored to walk alongside you in this crazy journey.

  5. Work done according to Gods purpose has an unmistakable holiness.???? This is very good Dawson! So excited to see where this journey takes you and the beauty you will see in your squad mates and people you’re serving! -Mom

  6. You’re a great writer, Dawson! I hope we can be people who work beautifully for the Kingdom of God. Thankful for you and all that I get to learn from you this year!