
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So I will start off with an introduction. Hello everyone, my name is Dawson Brubaker. I am currently a senior in high school and my primary sport is tennis. I would like to consider myself an adventurous person. If I were to choose my favorite season I would tell you it is fall, mostly because of the clothing and activities associated with that time of year. One thing you would find out about me pretty quickly is I have a crazy obsession with spicy food and hot sauce.  My family is small. It’s just my dad, mom, sister, and my dog named Bentley. 

I am excited to go out into the world and spread the Lord’s light. I am excited to see how I will be shaped during this journey. One thing I have learned is God never abandons his children, no matter how dark of a valley you are going through. I am hoping to bring others into faith to experience the warmth and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.