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Through several route changes, I managed to make it to Guatemala. My original route was to Thailand for my second country. Somewhere in November, it got changed to Colombia. And it was changed to Guatemala late December. It was a roller coaster of emotions having the build up of exitment for each country just for it to be changed. Despite those momentary feelings of disappointment, you see that God has you right where He intends! I have had the privelege of working alongside children in the Mayan community. It is a long treck up the mountain but it is so worth it to see the smiles light up on their faces to see us. We play soccer with them, play an assortment of games, feed them, teach english to them. They dont look at their poverty as a set back in life, they just simply live life with what resources they do have. It has been a blessing being around these children, I have learned so much from them! I only see the goodness of God flowing through the community because of my mindset with God. Lets talk about mindset with God.

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe’” (Mark 9:23).

It is time to change your mindset, and renew your thoughts and ways of thinking. God never intended for us to live according to the world’s system and ways of doing things. He said that we are to live by FAITH (Hebrews 10:38), because without it, it is impossible to please Him. He wants those who call on Him to believe in Him, and trust that He rewards those who diligently seek after Him (Hebrews 11:6).

God is looking for people of faith. If you can renew your mind and thoughts toward the things of God, you can change your world. Changing your mindset can change your circumstances because your mind is powerful. It has the power to bring life or to bring destruction, because everything starts with a thought. How you think determines how you live. Joshua 1:7-8 is a perfect example of how to change your mindset: 1) be strong and courageous, 2) be careful to obey the Bible, 3) do not turn from the Bible to the left or right, 4) do no let the Book of the Law depart from your mouth, and 5) meditate on the Word of God day and night. 

The imagination of man is like a canvas. What you imagine is painted on the canvas of your mind. Once you paint a picture in your mind you start to believe those thoughts, speak those thoughts, act on those thoughts, and ultimately change things (whether good or bad; right or wrong). You will never succeed with an inferior mindset. You must know who you are. In fact, the first giant you may need to defeat is “you — your mindset.” Make a decision to become who God says you are. It doesn’t matter what others think or say about you, it’s about how you see yourself. 

God promised victory and protection for you and your family, but your enemy will not just let it happen; you must fight for the promises God has provided for you. Sometimes we need a good fight, and we are well able to defeat our giants. Jesus has already destroyed the works of the devil; we just have to walk in our son-ship and exercise our authority over the enemy. The fight is already fixed. In fact, the outcome has already been declared because God has already made the way for us to have victory-through Jesus Christ. So keep moving forward toward your destiny, because others may be depending on you. Don’t stay where you are; get to your promised land.

God honors people who have faith in Him. Once you make that commitment to follow Him, don’t turn back; stretch your faith. There is greatness in you, and you will win!  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. The more you hear, the more you believe. Get around people who talk faith and believe God. Living a life of faith doesn’t come overnight, but if you will commit to the Word, become a student of the Word, and begin to apply the Word to your situations and circumstances, change will come. Remember, all things are possible to those who believe; to those who have the faith to trust God.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1)

6 responses to “Im in Thailand, No Colombia, No Guatemala”

  1. This is so good & encouraging Dawson!!
    Four thumbs up from me & G-pa!! I just got done reading it out loud to G-pa & he said it was right along the same lines he was thinking about! God is so good! Bless your heart!! Sending much love big hugs & prayers always!

  2. This is very good Dawson! I am reminded of second Corinthians 10:5 we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And also Ephesians 2 : 8 – 9. For by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast . Love you-Mom

  3. So glad we found your blog Dawson! It’s interesting to hear what you’ve been doing. Where are you in Guatemala?
    Blessings to you,
    Joe and shana

  4. Or all about how God sees you (and me)! Thanks for reminding me to live by faith, Dawson!

  5. So nice to hear about your adventure. I love the comment where changing your mindset can change your circumstances…what a wonderful reminder of the power of our minds. Sometimes we must fight for the promises of God, but God has given us the power to defeat our giants. Praying for you!….. Cindy